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Manga & Light Novels
Instantly view which manga on your lists have newly released chapters will automatically check which manga on your lists have new chapters available. will even alert you when you need to update your logged volume count if you are trailing behind.

Separating concluded and publishing manga, truly gives a one-of-a-kind experience when it comes to staying on top of your favourite titles. even supports checking for new light novels chapters!

This is simulated data including concluded manga.

Let's not forget anime! will let you know which episodes you still need to watch, which anime you are caught up on, and planned anime which will begin to air soon.

We'll always let you know when your next episodes are coming out with a countdown, and did we mention that all displayed countdowns are for subtitled release times by default? Cool, right?

This is simulated data including concluded anime.
Anime No anime to display.

Tools & More! also offers a suite of helpful tools to make your life on AniList that much easier. Some examples include …

  • AniList Wrapped — Your Year on AniList
  • Badge Wall — A unified badge collection experience for AniList
    Easily display all of your earned badges in a single place, with your Anime Watching Club (AWC) badges automatically included!
  • Subtitle Schedule — A release calendar which displaying the scheduled subtitle release times for simulcast anime!
  • Today's Character Birthdays — A calendar to help you stay up to date with your favourite characters' birthdays, featuring an even bigger character database than AniList!
  • Sequel Spy — Find media with prequels you haven't seen for any simulcast season

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